Let’s try this again…

It’s been a wee while in the making but I’ve finally got my site up-and-running again!

I think it was maybe a year to year-and-a-half ago when I had started working on the first version of my website/online portfolio - grand ideas ensued but long-story-short, I ended up hating everything about the site. From the layout to the colour scheme, fonts and including some of the content, I found myself deeply unhappy with it and eventually pulled it with the scope to rework everything later on.

Back to the drawing board it was and I’m delighted to launch my new platform in 2024! Granted, I still have a lot to update which is mostly in the Portfolio section, although I’m glad to have this online presence once again.

I’ll use this space for a multitude of things going forward, including housing my portfolio, CV, a blog for some ramblings/updates and of course, a contact page where you can get in touch if you would like to work with me.

That’s all for now, but please enjoy this picture I took after work the other day!

Sunset from the Glasgow Bridge over the Clyde.

Best wishes and thanks for reading 😊

Aidan x

Aidan Bohan

Graphic Designer | Loyal Trekker 🖖